Laboratory of Content-oriented Computational Culture & Arts

関西大学総合情報学部 文化芸術計算機科学研究室

松下光範,山西良典:アイデアソンによるアニメーション中間生成物の活用可能性の検討,アート・リサーチ,23(3),pp. 137-143, 2023年2月

アニメーションは主要なエンタテインメントコンテンツの一つとして認知されているが,その制作過程で生成される中間生成物は作品が完成した直後に廃棄されることが多い.我々はこれを文化的損失と捉え,中間生成物を蓄積・保存するインセ […]

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Kyoka Yamamoto, Ryosuke Yamanishi, Mitsunori Matsushita: Visualization of the relationship between lectures and laboratories using SSNMF, Proc. of The 27th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, A7-1, 2022年12月

The purpose of this study is to visualize the relationship between lectures and fields of specialization (laboratories) so that students can choose lectures with a future direction. Since the university curriculum is highly flexible; students choose their own lectures. Taking into account their own objectives, students select the basic knowledge necessary for their purposes. However, it is difficult for students without sufficient knowledge to understand their relevance from the syllabus. The purpose of this study is to propose a method for estimating the relevance between lectures and laboratories in an undergraduate school as a help to provide students with an objective analysis of lectures, i.e., not only knowledge but also examples of its use. The proposed method applies a semi-supervised non-negative matrix factorization to identify common factors of knowledge in each combination of laboratory and lecture. It is suggested that the proposed method calculates reasonable results for the relationship between laboratories and lectures.

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