山西良典,杉原健一郎,井上林太郎,松下光範:ソーシャルデータを用いたコミックからの感性的ハイライトの抽出,日本感性工学会論文誌,14(1),pp.155-162, 2015年2月

Comic has, recently, been known as one of the most beloved entertainment and affective medium in the world. This paper describes about extraction of Kansei highlight from comic using social data. There seems to be Kansei highlight that most people approve in comic, because several related books where impressive scenes and captions for a comic are gathered are published. Through the experiments on impressions, we obtained social data for comics. We used the social data to extract Kansei highlight from comic. Through the three types of experiments, we confirmed that social data was available for extracting Kansei highlight from comic. Moreover, we designed the interface of social reading system for comic considering interaction on existing social service. We believe that the extraction of Kansei highlight from comic using social data increases attraction of digital comic.