This paper proposes a hybrid approach of ontology and image clustering to automatically generate hierarchic image database. In the field of computer vision, “generic object recognition” is one of the most important topics. Generic object recognition needs three types of research: feature extraction, pattern recognition, and database preparation; this paper targets at database preparation. The proposed approach considers both object semantic and visual features in images. In the proposed approach, the semantic is covered by ontology framework, and the visual similarity is covered by image clustering based on Gaussian Mixture Model. The image database generated by the proposed approach covered over 4,800 concepts (where 152 concepts have more than 100 images) and its structure was hierarchic. Through the subjective evaluation experiment, whether images in the database were correctly mapped or not was examined. The results of the experiment showed over 84% precision in average. It was suggested that the generated image database was sufficiently practicable as learning database for generic object recognition.