Jeremy White, Kohei Matsumura, Ryosuke Yamanishi: Exploring the Intersection of AI and Language Learning: A Study of Japanese and International Students’ Perspectives, EUROCALL 2024, 2024年8月

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has emerged as a transformative force in language education, reshaping traditional pedagogical approaches and enhancing learning outcomes. This presentation delves into the pivotal role of AI in CALL and its implications for the future of language education. AI’s significance in CALL lies in its capacity to personalize learning experiences, adapt to individual learner needs, provide instant feedback, and offer immersive language practice opportunities. Through intelligent algorithms and natural language processing, AI-powered CALL platforms can simulate real-life language contexts, thereby facilitating authentic language acquisition. Moreover, AI enables the scalability of language learning programs, making quality education more accessible and inclusive to diverse learners worldwide. This presentation begins by highlighting the exponential growth of AI technologies within the realm of CALL, showcasing how innovations in machine learning, speech recognition, and adaptive learning algorithms have revolutionized language learning practices. This segment elucidates the profound impact of AI on enhancing language proficiency and fostering learner autonomy, and promoting inclusiveness. Next, the presentation unveils the findings of a mixed methods study examining the attitudes and beliefs of 107 Japanese and international university students regarding the integration of AI in English language learning. The study highlights students’ current understanding, use of, and receptiveness towards AI-driven language learning tools, demonstrating their enthusiasm for utilizing such technologies to augment their language skills. The presentation will go on to showcase an original AI website developed by the researchers to enhance spoken language skills, providing a tangible demonstration of AI’s potential in enhancing language learning experiences for learners of all levels and at any location. Feedback from students who participated in this study indicates a positive reception towards the AI application, advocating for its future integration into language learning curricula. The presentation will conclude with a discussion on the future implications of AI in language education, contemplating its role in redefining classroom dynamics and pedagogical practices. By harnessing the power of AI, educators can cultivate adaptive learning environments that cater to individual learner needs, thereby fostering linguistic competence and intercultural communication skills. The presentation underscores the imperative of embracing AI as a catalyst for innovation in language education, propelling the field towards greater inclusivity, efficiency, and effectiveness in nurturing global linguistic competencies. This presentation offers insights into the symbiotic relationship between AI and language learning, advocating for a paradigm shift towards AI-driven pedagogies that empower learners and educators alike in their pursuit of linguistic proficiency and cross-cultural understanding.